Breast augmentation by Lipofilling

Many of our patients come with a clear idea of ​​what they want breast augmentation to us. They are often looking for a particularly gentle and natural surgical method. This includes, for many women, the desire not to have an implant placed and to keep a breast that moves naturally and remains soft. A wish that we are happy to respect, since breast augmentation with autologous fat is generally not a problem.

Who is breast augmentation with autologous fat suitable for?

An important prerequisite for breast augmentation with autologous fat is that the breasts do not show any abnormalities in previous mammograms. In addition, only patients with the appropriate amount of autologous fat are eligible for this procedure. It can be assumed that about 500 cc of fat tissue are needed per breast. But don't worry, you don't have to put on extra weight because we can take the fatty tissue from different places. The surgical procedure is more natural but also more complex due to the use of your own tissue. Adipose tissue is sensitive and will die if the pressure is too high. For this reason, two interventions must always be planned. This is the only way to ensure that as much transferred fatty tissue as possible is retained.

What are the advantages of breast augmentation with autologous fat compared to implants?

The procedure can easily be combined with a Liposuction be performed. The prerequisite is, of course, that the patient has enough fat - about twice as much fat is needed as will later be used in the breasts. We use water-jet assisted liposuction, separate blood and water and clean the fat. After that, we later inject the pure fat exactly where it should be. The procedure is particularly suitable for soft and symmetrical breasts. In addition, our patients recover much faster compared to traditional implant surgery. Possible disadvantages of breast augmentation with autologous fat: The body may break down the autologous fat over time. In this case, the procedure would have to be repeated. Also important to know: The breast can only be expanded by up to one cup size with autologous fat, with implants the scope for the desired cup size is significantly larger.

Only own fat in the chest?

During the treatment we only use the body's own fat. According to the current status, we see no reason for breast augmentation with autologous fat and enriched stem cells - from our point of view, the long-term risks are unclear, the costs are significantly higher and the results are no better than with "pure" autologous fat injection. With the help of our suction procedure, your fat cells remain "alive" and quickly connect to their new environment. Autohemotherapy can also be added to optimize the result. After that, however, everything that stimulates fat burning should be avoided. You should therefore not exercise, diet or visit the sauna for at least six to eight weeks.

Risks of breast augmentation with autologous fat

Since it is primarily a liposuction, the same complications can also occur here. These include waves, bumps, thrombosis, infections or scars. In addition, bruising and swelling have been observed in various cases. The recipient area also carries the risk of wound infection. Smaller calcifications occur regularly, but are fairly evenly distributed and easily recognizable. Overall, however, experts are unanimous in the opinion that the changes are far less noticeable than, for example, in a breast reduction.

Before and after the procedure

We clarify all questions as well as the complete course of the treatment with our patients in advance in the context of a detailed consultation. It must be clarified, among other things, whether there are possible previous illnesses or sensitivities that speak against the anesthetic or the procedure as a whole. In any case, the breast must be examined for possible cancer – a mammogram beforehand and one year after the procedure is therefore mandatory.

last updated on 26.08.2024