breast malformation
to be treated in Berlin
If it looks the way it should - breast deformities can be easily corrected. As wide as the range of breast malformations may be, there are usually ways to correct them.
Asymmetrical breasts are often a big burden
Young girls in particular suffer psychologically from breast malformations. The most common are breast deformities, asymmetries of any kind, pectus excavatum or Poland syndrome. However, they can often be easily corrected. Either by a simple Breast augmentation with implant, with the help of a Breast lift or a breast reduction.
In the case of tubular deformity, the so-called "tube" or "trunk breast", reshaping the breast and subsequent reconstruction with an implant is usually the best solution. This is where the lower quadrants of the chest are not properly formed. The upper part of the chest therefore hangs down unattractively. In addition, there is almost always a so-called “areola prolapse”. The fabric behind the nipple protrudes causing an enlarged and protruding nipple. In addition, there are longitudinal ligaments (ligaments) under the skin in the lower part of the breast, where volume is lacking. This reinforces the asymmetrical shape.
Process of reshaping
The reshaping of the mammary gland begins with severing the ligaments. Then I distribute the glandular tissue from top to bottom. I reduce the nipples like a tightening. Since the tubular breast usually lacks its own glandular tissue, I usually use a silicone implant. Round or anatomical (drop-shaped implants) are possible here. I always recommend an anatomical implant because of the lack of tissue in the lower part.
The tubular breast
Tubular breasts can also be corrected without implants or alternatively with autologous fat. We will discuss which treatment is best for you in advance after a thorough examination of the breast.
Correction of breast asymmetry
If there is breast asymmetry, I try to match the smaller breast to the larger one or vice versa. In order to reduce the size of the larger breast, I carry out a so-called mamma reduction, a classic breast reduction. Depending on the shape of the smaller breast, often nothing needs to be changed here.
If the smaller breasts are supposed to get bigger, I insert an implant or fill them up with autologous fat if there is enough. In many cases, I place an implant on the smaller side while tightening the larger to match.
Correction of the funnel chest
In the case of a funnel chest or malformation of the chest, I work with silicone implants to restore the volume. In order to compensate for the additional asymmetry that occurs, I use different implants. To improve an indentation on the sternum, I fill the relevant areas with autologous fat. I also use a similar treatment for Poland Syndrome. However, since the entire pectoral muscle is missing here, additional thoracic surgery is often necessary.
The nipple – the important little thing
The malformations often also affect the nipples. Be it congenital disorders such as inverted nipples, areolas or nipples that are too small/large, or the consequences of breast cancer surgery. In most cases, however, a round overall picture of the breast can be modeled with uncomplicated operations. The procedures can be carried out under local anesthetic and on an outpatient basis.
Coverage of costs by health insurance in the event of breast malformations
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee from the outset that the health insurance company will cover the costs of a breast correction. That depends on the health insurance company and the insurance coverage of the patient. We would be happy to help you clarify the cost situation in the run-up to the treatment.
A risk can never be completely ruled out. An implant is a foreign body in the breast and capsular fribose can occur. As with any intervention, there is always a risk of impaired wound healing or the scars cannot heal optimally. But if you follow all of my postoperative recommendations, give yourself the necessary rest and take good care of the scars, we can minimize most of the risks.
last updated on 26.07.2022