Forehead lift for men

No more frowns! Smooth out your moves!

For a forehead lift in men, we particularly recommend the endoscopic method. The skin is repositioned and the scars are hidden in the hair. The forehead is tightened, only the hairline shifts slightly backwards.

Hidden behind hair roots

The so-called "receding hairline" is the biggest challenge. But even with larger wrinkles, the scars can be hidden in the hairline. The cut is made parallel to the hairline. We remove a piece of skin. The scar is hidden behind the first hair roots. General anesthesia is essential for both procedures, as the skin on the forehead is very sensitive.

A new expression with the temporal lift

If you want to give your face a new expression with raised eyebrows, a temporal lift is a good idea. Two cuts in the hairy scalp and on the side of the forehead. The skin is then fixed with staples. Two weeks later they are removed and your newly framed face is completely healed.

last updated on 08.08.2022