radio frequency
Exilis Elite™ by BTL

Immediate effect with radio waves Exilis Elite™ by BTL tightens the skin and dissolves fat cells

Plastic and aesthetic medicine is increasingly using technical innovations. Best results in the areas of fat dissolving, skin tightening, anti-cellulitis and anti-wrinkle care have recently been made mainly with radio frequency. A pioneer in this area is Exilis Elite™ from BTL Aesthetics.

Firm skin without fatty tissue

Depending on the frequency, radio waves are able to break down fatty tissue or shrink the collagen structure. With the device, we can tighten your skin during a treatment and "melt away" fat cells. We heat your fabric to around 43 degrees Celsius. The cell envelopes decay and are broken down as a "waste product" via the lymphatic system. The heat also causes your collagen fibers to contract. Your complexion appears much firmer.

Permanent results with radio frequency treatment

Four treatments are usually required every one to three weeks. The advantage: You will notice a clear effect after the first treatment. Your skin will immediately appear firmer and slimmer. A final result can be expected in the third month after the treatment. If you are not satisfied with the first effect, all zones, whether on the face or neck, can be treated several times. Ultimately, you get a lasting and measurable result. The radio frequency technology can also be used very well as a pre- and post-operative treatment Liposuction serve.


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last updated on 26.07.2022